Organisational Culture Productivity

How does your office design influence employee productivity?

Making the magic happen is a responsibility that lies mostly on your employees. They can’t do that if you aren’t providing them with the magic wand they need. Sometimes, the key to unlocking that magic lies in designing an office space that creates the right flow of energy to boost their productivity. They do so […]

Development Motivation Stress

5 ways to defend yourself against stress

Today we’re continuing our series on stress management. We’re particularly focusing on the individual’s approach to overcoming stress and the personal strategies you can begin to implement in your own life to combat stress and live a healthier lifestyle with a better work/balance. According to the Management Study Guide website, “Employees stress is a growing […]

Development Positivity Productivity Research Stress

The importance of a personal day

For the past few weeks, we’ve been talking a great deal about stress in the workplace. It’s an important topic. Stress affects us all. Just look at this excerpt from the website “While some workplace stress is normal, excessive stress can interfere with your productivity and performance—and impact your physical and emotional health. Often, […]