Brain Science Emotional Intelligence Psychological Safety

Optimising Psychological Safety at Work

The Untapped Power of Psychological Safety at Work

When people think of workplace safety, they often envision hard hats, safety harnesses, and fire extinguishers. However, there’s a less visible but equally vital aspect that is often overlooked—psychological safety at work. Let’s delve deep into the topic, exploring the consequences of both lacking and having psychological safety, as well as offering actionable steps for managers.

The Downside of Neglecting Psychological Safety


The Stress Cascade: Body in Fight-or-Flight Mode

When an environment lacks psychological safety at work, the body’s stress system, known as the HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis, kicks into high gear. This chain reaction boosts the production of cortisol, the stress hormone, leaving you in a state of ‘fight or flight.’ This heightened stress can lead to a host of physiological issues like high blood pressure, poor digestion, and disrupted sleep.

More Than Just a Bad Day: Chronic Stress and the Brain

Beyond the immediate physical toll, a lack of psychological safety at work affects your mental well-being. Stress inhibits the function of vital brain regions like the hippocampus (memory and learning), the amygdala (emotional responses), and the prefrontal cortex (decision-making). Over time, these neurological impacts can lead to severe cognitive impairments and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

The Domino Effect: Widespread Organisational Consequences

It’s not just individual employees who suffer. A lack of psychological safety at work can lead to reduced productivity, increased turnover, and even reputational damage for the company. The fallout can be vast, affecting everything from employee engagement to the bottom line.

The Upside of Fostering Psychological Safety at Work


From Fight-or-Flight to Rest-and-Digest

When employees feel safe, they’re more relaxed and their bodies produce fewer stress hormones. This physiological state, often termed ‘rest and digest,’ encourages better digestion, more restful sleep, and a stronger immune system.

Unleashing the Creative Mind

A sense of psychological safety at work has a freeing effect on the brain. When the fear of repercussions is removed, people become more innovative, are willing to take calculated risks, and collaborate more openly. This boost in creativity and problem-solving can be a massive asset for any organisation.

Strengthening Teams and Culture

Psychological safety encourages open dialogue and honest feedback, which are essential for effective teamwork. Employees feel more connected to their co-workers and are more likely to be engaged in their tasks, leading to a more vibrant and productive work environment.

Managers’ Toolkit for Enhancing Psychological Safety at Work


Transparent Communication: Set Clear Expectations

The cornerstone of psychological safety is transparent, open communication. Ensure that team members know what is expected of them and that they’re kept in the loop about changes in policies or project goals.

Empathy in Action

Adopt an empathetic approach to leadership. Recognise that your team consists of individuals with unique emotional needs and communication styles. Tailoring your approach can go a long way in making each team member feel secure and valued, promoting psychological safety at work.

Promote Open Dialogue

Encourage a culture where everyone feels they can speak up without the fear of retribution. Create avenues for open discussions and ensure that feedback from these sessions is acted upon.

Maintain Consistency and Fair Treatment

Randomness breeds anxiety. Consistent practices and fair treatment for all employees will help in nurturing a psychologically safe work environment.

While these traditional methods for promoting psychological safety at work are well-founded, there are also some unique, out-of-the-box approaches that managers might consider to build a more robust, emotionally secure environment. Here are some ideas:

1. Reverse Performance Reviews

Allow employees to review their managers anonymously. This can give managers invaluable insights into how their actions or policies affect the psychological safety at work. Take the feedback seriously and act on it to improve the work environment.

2. Job Rotation for a Day

Switch roles for a day within the team to foster empathy and understanding. This temporary change can help team members understand the challenges their colleagues face, making everyone more sensitive and appreciative of each other’s roles.

3. Vulnerability Exercises

Conduct exercises where team members share personal stories or fears in a safe, controlled environment. Brene Brown, a renowned researcher on vulnerability, argues that vulnerability is the cornerstone of connection and psychological safety. Exercises can be as simple as “Two Truths and a Lie” or more complex storytelling sessions.

4. ‘No Meeting’ Days

Consider setting aside days where no meetings are scheduled, giving team members uninterrupted time to focus on their work. The absence of potentially stressful interactions can act as a ‘mental health day,’ improving overall well-being and reducing stress.

5. Gamified Peer Recognition

Create a gamified system where employees can earn points or badges for positive behaviours that contribute to psychological safety, such as active listening, providing constructive feedback, or helping a colleague. These points could be redeemable for small rewards or privileges.

6. Emotional Intelligence Training

Offer workshops on emotional intelligence, focusing on self-awareness, self-regulation, and empathy. These skills can be critical in creating a psychologically safe work environment.

7. Office Hours for Mental Health

Just like professors have office hours for academic help, managers can hold ‘mental health office hours’ where team members can openly discuss concerns or stressors without any judgment.

8. Celebrate ‘Failure’

Establish a ‘Fail Forward’ award or a similar concept where employees are recognized for taking risks, even if they didn’t pan out. The goal is to create an environment where failure is seen as a learning opportunity, thereby encouraging innovation without fear of punishment.

9. Inclusive Language Guide

Develop a guide on inclusive language to be used in the workplace. It can be a living document that evolves over time and includes input from various team members. This can help in creating an environment where everyone feels they belong.

10. Virtual Coffee Breaks for Remote Teams

For remote or hybrid teams, schedule random virtual ‘coffee breaks’ with different team members. These unstructured chats can help build relationships and create a more psychologically safe environment, even from a distance.

These innovative strategies can be adapted to fit the specific needs of your workplace and can serve as a complement to more traditional methods for building psychological safety.


Wrap Up: The Compelling Case for Psychological Safety at Work

Psychological safety at work is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for both individual well-being and organisational success. By fostering a culture of safety, managers can unlock the full potential of their teams, improve company performance, and create a fulfilling work environment for all. So, put on your metaphorical hard hat and start building a foundation of psychological safety in your workplace today.

Need some help implementing? Get in touch with us!

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