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9 signs your company has a healthy workplace culture



The average Australian spends more than 44 hours per week at his or her job.

Working in a healthy environment has a number of great benefits. 

This is one of the many reasons why you need to ensure your organisation has a positive atmosphere.

Let’s take a look at 9 clear signs that your company has a healthy workplace culture.


A Relaxing Environment

Companies that have a healthy workplace culture tend to create a relaxing environment for their employees. Although all team members need to focus on their tasks, you should aim to establish a soothing atmosphere where your workers feel appreciated.

A negative work environment where people feel threatened or fearful can result in reduced productivity. At the same time, you may also find it hard to keep quality employees motivated. Instead, try to promote a low-stress environment that fosters open communication and shows your team members how important they truly are.


Positive Internal Values

Your company’s core values are a key part of the business identity. They help guide employees and provide the principles that help differentiate between what your organisation agrees and disagrees with.

As you can imagine, positive internal values help create a healthy workplace because they encourage your team to be professional and to care for the community as well as their peers.

Aside from teaching employees to respect one another, these values often focus on the importance of serving the community. This entices your employees to work together to achieve a common goal.


Respectful Peers and Superiors

A healthy work environment will encourage all members of your organisation to be respectful and understanding. Managers that employ fear tactics or behave inappropriately disrespect their subordinates, creating an intimidating atmosphere in the office.

Businesses that have a healthy culture, on the other hand, have respectful managers that always take their team’s emotions into consideration. This establishes a positive environment and creates a sense of unity within your company. Employees feel like they can approach their superiors and find solutions to issues that may affect their productivity.


Flexibility and Innovation

Schedule flexibility was a luxury that was only available to managers and higher ranking employees. Today, thanks to the widespread of the outsourcing model, companies are more willing to have employees work offsite. This has opened a new world of opportunities for people who may have time restrictions but are still skilled enough to take care of their responsibilities remotely.

Although it’s not necessarily a common practice yet, companies that allow employees to work remotely at least part-time often have a positive environment. These businesses tend to understand their team member’s additional commitments and look to accommodate their needs whenever possible.


Employees are Motivated

The most obvious sign of a positive work environment are motivated employees, although this may depend on the exact department within a company. For example, a sales team can be motivated by incentives and bonuses, but there may still be issues that need to be examined closely.

That said, having happy motivated employees throughout your organisation is a great sign that your company is cultivating a healthy environment.


An Organised Internal Structure

Regardless of the size of the venture, all businesses need to have an organised structure. Many companies are starting to veer from traditional hierarchies. But they should have a specific system that allows them to establish a healthy atmosphere and stay profitable at the same time.


Specific Job Descriptions

Not having specific job descriptions and well-defined roles may become a recipe for disaster. In most cases, team members will prioritise the individual tasks that are assigned to them. There are many cases where employees are unfairly assigned duties that were not part of the original description, which can have a negative impact on your team’s morale.

Therefore, you need to create a specific job description for each employee and urge managers to adhere to these. This will yield happier team members as they will feel like their skill set is being respected.


Transparency and Equal Opportunities

Transparency and equal opportunities play a huge role in a healthy workplace. Both of these can make employees feel like they work in a fair company that rewards merit and commitment. Companies that guard secrets tightly or discriminate in some form may foster a harmful environment around the workplace.

Being transparent about upcoming changes and rewarding model employees improves morale. It allows management to have healthy conversations with their team members and find reasonable solutions whenever a problem shows up.


Adequate Tools, Equipment, and Training

All companies rely on their employees to generate revenue, but they also need to provide all the resources they need to succeed. Organisations that cultivate a healthy workplace ensure that their workers receive training. And, employers that focus on a healthy workplace also provide the tools and equipment to produce quality results.


Create a Healthy Workplace Culture in Your Organisation Today

A healthy workplace culture allows employees to flourish. This has a huge impact on their performance, which in turn can increase revenue and allow your company to grow. Unfortunately, some organisations tend to unknowingly create an unhealthy workplace for their employees, which can have a negative effect on their team performance.

If you want to learn more about creating a positive workplace culture, get in touch with us today and our team will be happy to help.

Kym Wallis, the founding director of Higher Ranking has over 15 years of advertising sales, digital strategy, and business development experience. He is currently working as Digital Adviser for PK Simpson.

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