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4 ways to keep employee morale high

employee moraleWhy is keeping employee morale high such an important task? Simply put, employees are the building blocks of any company or business. The stronger the team you’ve assembled, the more robust your organisation will be. If that team falters in any way, however, it can have consequences that impact the company as a whole. That’s why it’s so important to invest in your employees in every possible way, especially when it comes to their mental and emotional health.

The truth is the routine of a job, even a job we enjoy, can become mundane after a while. Sometimes, an employee might lose sight of the bigger picture or simply go through a phase when motivation isn’t at its best. Other times, challenges that impact an employee’s personal life, such as the current pandemic affecting the global workforce, can add stress and anxiety to a person’s plate.

No matter what the cause, team morale can spell trouble for an organisation. For instance, when team morale declines, you’ll tend to see a drop in office productivity and work quality.

The opposite occurs when team morale is high. During these periods, you’ll not only notice a boost in productivity, but job satisfaction also tends to increase across the board, and with it, employees start to put forth their best work.

Given these results, wouldn’t it be great to keep team morale at such highs for the long term?

It’s more than possible—through encouragement.

When you regularly encourage your employees, it can lead to increased motivation on the job, as well as overall satisfaction with that job–and happy employees certainly make for a more positive and functional working environment.

So what are some ways to encourage your employees?


Appreciate them

Do you regularly thank your team members for a job well done? Everyone likes to feel appreciated and everyone likes to know that they’re a valued member of a larger whole. It’s a validating experience to be shown appreciation.

Whether it’s a small note, a gift card, or simply a word of acknowledgement in your next team meeting, be sure to recognise your employees for excellent work. It’ll boost their confidence and create a desire in them to continue going the extra mile.


Engage them

Sometimes, employees may feel like disjointed parts in one big machine. It’s important to regularly bring your team together to connect and engage with each other.

You can do this through special team-building exercises or you can even hold ‘lunch and learn’ sessions during the work day. Such sessions can be very informative, allowing your team members to grow professionally, but they can also create a space that allows your employees to truly feel like a team and get on the same page with each other, which makes for better working relationships and a stronger company.

One benefit of these group sessions is that employees want to feel that their ideas and opinions matter. When given the chance, you’d be surprised by how creative team members can be in solving new challenges and issues that are bound to arise from time to time. By creating a forum where employees are asked for their ideas and thoughts about possible solutions, you’ll equip them with a sense of ownership in addition to making them feel pride for the solutions they develop.


Empower them

Do your employees currently have the power and freedom to make important decisions in your business? Believe it or not, this feeling of autonomy makes a world of difference for team members.

When employees feel like they have ownership of a project, their sense of confidence, responsibility, and creativity increases. Allow your employees to step up to the plate from time to time so that they have the opportunity to shine.

Jan Fletcher, one of the UK’s leading entrepreneurs, says this: “Providing employees with seemingly insignificant decision-making opportunities has a powerful positive psychological impact. So, offer employees an abundance of choices, even if they’re small.”


Unburden them

What hoops do employees in your company have to jump through in order to get a project green-lighted? How much red tape gets in the way of a productive work day for them?

“Bureaucratic restraints can prevent employees from getting their work done,” says business expert Stan Mack. “For example, if an employee must fill out a number of forms and speak with multiple people before getting approval to start a project, that employee might feel discouraged before even starting the process.”

Try to identify workplace practices that are inefficient so that you can help your employees have more productive workdays. You might even ask for their feedback on how you can help them expedite their daily processes.


Boosting team morale

We all need a little encouragement from time to time, and that’s especially true within the workplace.

Too often, leaders and managers take their team members for granted, which can lead employees to feel underappreciated and overworked.

Make a concerted effort to regularly encourage your team through the methods above, however, and you’ll potentially boost employee morale and make for a happier and more productive workplace.


The Shaping Change Learning Hub is filled with a variety of Lunch & Learn workshops which are currently be offered virtually to meet the needs of remote teams. Want to book a workshop for your employees? Contact or to schedule your session today!

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