Communication Remote and Hybrid Teams

How to communicate effectively with a remote workforce

The world of work has changed dramatically in recent years. Sped up by the coronavirus pandemic, many companies are now offering fully remote or hybrid working options for their employees. There are plenty of pros to this approach: better work-life balance, an opportunity to hire from a wider pool of talent, and better retention of […]

Book Reviews Brain Science Communication Conflict Management

How to Work With Almost Anyone – Interview with Michael Bungay Stanier

What if the person who’s written the most practical and best-selling book on coaching for managers and leaders turned their attention to the health of working relationships? Michael Bungay Stanier’s new book *How to Work with (Almost) Anyone* is a practical guide for anyone who wants to stop hoping that their working relationships will be […]

Brain Science Communication Leadership

The Neuroscience of Storytelling in Leadership

Once upon a time, our ancestors discovered fire and the magic of stories. The flame of a good story still flickers in our brains, activating mirror neurons that let us feel what others feel. Our brains release oxytocin to strengthen empathy and dopamine to heighten focus. The sensory regions light up, enhancing memory, making us […]

Communication Leadership Motivation

The Power of Storytelling in Leadership

Introduction Once upon a time in the corporate kingdom, there were leaders and then there were storytellers. The difference? Well, it’s a bit like the difference between a mere conversation and an unforgettable anecdote. Today, we are peeling back the layers of this oft-underestimated skill – the power of storytelling in leadership. Let’s dive deep […]

Communication Employee Engagement Hiring

10 Easy HR Video Ideas To Engage With Employees

An organization needs to take care of more things than the profit margin to run a business. Profit margin is not the only way to measure a business’s success – satisfied employees at workplaces also speak volumes about the organization. Employee engagement is the ultimate reason behind the overall success of well-known businesses across the […]