Difficult Conversations Teamwork

Managing Power Dynamics in the Workplace

In the dynamic landscape of modern workplaces, leaders frequently face the challenge of managing a range of personalities and behaviours. Among these, power and control behaviours can be particularly disruptive, often manifesting as non-cooperation, sabotage, or undermining of team efforts. Addressing these behaviours is crucial not only for maintaining team harmony but also for the […]

Book Reviews Brain Science Communication Conflict Management

How to Work With Almost Anyone – Interview with Michael Bungay Stanier

What if the person who’s written the most practical and best-selling book on coaching for managers and leaders turned their attention to the health of working relationships? Michael Bungay Stanier’s new book *How to Work with (Almost) Anyone* is a practical guide for anyone who wants to stop hoping that their working relationships will be […]

Communication Conflict Management Difficult Conversations

3 Keys to Successful Difficult Conversations

3 Keys to Successful Difficult Conversations In this video, we dive into the 3 essential keys to successfully having difficult conversations as a manager. Whether you’re addressing performance issues or having a challenging conversation with a staff member, these tips will help you navigate these tough conversations with confidence and empathy. Learn how to communicate […]

Communication Conflict Management Management Relationship Building Values and Behaviours

Managing Workplace Conflict

Managing Workplace Conflict Confrontation and conflict between people is as old as…well…people. Any time you have humans operating together there are going to be times when people disagree, don’t get on, have differences of opinion or just plain can’t stand each other! So how should you manage workplace conflict? Watch above (4 mins), or read […]

Coaching Emotional Intelligence Employee Engagement Leadership Motivation Teamwork

Are you avoiding having a difficult conversation?

Not many people enjoy having challenging conversations. You know the ones; you don’t agree and the emotions are likely to be strong. Some examples might be: Dealing with offensive behaviour from a co-worker Giving the boss negative feedback Giving a poor performance review Critiquing a colleagues work Recall your last crucial conversation. What happened? Did […]