Book Reviews Career Planning Women

Dare to Become: From the Corner Booth to the Corner Office

Interview with Julie Cropp Gareleck: Author of “Dare to Become: From the Corner Booth to the Corner Office” Join us for an exclusive interview with Julie Cropp Gareleck, the inspiring author of “Dare to Become: From the Corner Booth to the Corner Office.” This riveting book chronicles Julie’s remarkable journey from her humble beginnings in […]

Brain Science Decision Making Emotional Intelligence Leadership

Neuroscience-Based Strategies for Effective Leadership: Unleashing the Leader Within

As leaders, we often rely on intuition, experience, and traditional management techniques to guide our decisions and actions. However, the rapidly evolving field of neuroscience offers valuable insights into the inner workings of the human brain, providing a scientific foundation for understanding and enhancing our leadership capabilities. By leveraging neuroscience principles, we can better comprehend […]

Decision Making Leadership Risk Management

Navigating Ethical Dilemmas: A Leader’s Guide to Principled Decision-Making

In the world of leadership, ethical dilemmas are an inevitable reality. From navigating conflicts of interest and upholding organisational values to protecting stakeholder interests and ensuring compliance with regulations, leaders are routinely faced with complex situations that challenge their moral compass and decision-making abilities. While there are no one-size-fits-all solutions, developing a strong ethical framework […]

Leadership Relationship Building

Embracing Vulnerability: The Courageous Path to Authentic Leadership

In the traditional notion of leadership, vulnerability is often seen as a weakness – something to be avoided at all costs. Leaders are expected to project an image of strength, confidence, and infallibility, lest they be perceived as incapable or ineffective. However, this outdated perspective not only undermines trust and authenticity but also stifles personal […]

Book Reviews Potential Purpose Women

Lead Like You: Interview with Jo Wagstaff

At 32 Jo Wagstaff was the only female executive at one of Australia’s leading wealth management organisations, when she was poached by James Packer to join his then financial services group. On the surface she ‘had it all’ – the career, the car, the home, the husband and the baby. That was the year it […]

Book Reviews Brain Science Communication Conflict Management

How to Work With Almost Anyone – Interview with Michael Bungay Stanier

What if the person who’s written the most practical and best-selling book on coaching for managers and leaders turned their attention to the health of working relationships? Michael Bungay Stanier’s new book *How to Work with (Almost) Anyone* is a practical guide for anyone who wants to stop hoping that their working relationships will be […]

Brain Science Communication Leadership

The Neuroscience of Storytelling in Leadership

Once upon a time, our ancestors discovered fire and the magic of stories. The flame of a good story still flickers in our brains, activating mirror neurons that let us feel what others feel. Our brains release oxytocin to strengthen empathy and dopamine to heighten focus. The sensory regions light up, enhancing memory, making us […]

Book Reviews Motivation Productivity

The Neuroscience of Time Management: Leveraging Energy for Productivity

When you think about time management, what comes to mind? For many, it’s calendars brimming with appointments, productivity hacks, or multi-tasking tactics. While these strategies have their place, they often overlook a crucial piece of the puzzle: our energy. Understanding the importance of managing energy, along with time, is a game-changer for leaders seeking to […]

Communication Leadership Motivation

The Power of Storytelling in Leadership

Introduction Once upon a time in the corporate kingdom, there were leaders and then there were storytellers. The difference? Well, it’s a bit like the difference between a mere conversation and an unforgettable anecdote. Today, we are peeling back the layers of this oft-underestimated skill – the power of storytelling in leadership. Let’s dive deep […]

Leadership Teamwork

Trailblazers of Tomorrow: Inspiring Leadership in Engineering

Leadership in engineering is an integral part of advancing technological innovation and progress. Engineers are responsible for creative problem-solving, designing systems and structures, developing efficient solutions to complex problems, and transforming the world. As such, they play a central role in society’s future success. The need for outstanding leaders in engineering is urgent; as technology […]