Book Reviews Leadership

First Leaders: Leadership Principles of First Nations Societies for the Modern Leader

Join Ros Cardinal and the author of First Leaders, Andrew O’Keeffe, as they discuss leadership lessons from the First Nations. Andrew O’Keeffe’s interest in the human-side of workplaces goes back a long way. As a youngster growing up in the outback mining town of Broken Hill, Andrew was intrigued by the city’s rich industrial relations […]

Leadership Organisational Culture Outback Leadership Styles

G’day, Leaders! Australian Bush Animals and Their Outback Leadership Styles

When it comes to leadership, the Australian bush is a treasure trove of inspiration. Our unique and colourful bush animals each possess distinctive qualities, which can offer valuable insights into various leadership styles. So, let’s take a lighthearted journey through the Aussie bush and explore the leadership lessons we can learn from our furry and […]

Change Leadership Workplace

Leading people through change

Leading people through change. Did you know that a staggering two-thirds of organisational change fails to reach its stated objectives? Find out why, and what leaders can do. (14 mins watch time or read the edited transcript below). Hi everyone, I’m Ros Cardinal, Managing Director of Shaping Change and creator of the Women’s Leader Archetypes. […]

Employee Engagement Leadership Management Motivation Organisational Culture

Employee Engagement: Creating the Emotional Connection to Work

Employee Engagement: Creating the Emotional Connection to Work Overwork, anxiety, and lack of challenge and recognition have coloured the overall emotional connection of workers to their jobs, according to a Towers Perrin study. Here are some pointers gleaned from the study on how to bridge the gap between how workers feel and how managers perceive […]

Employee Engagement Leadership Motivation Potential Productivity

4 Key Characteristics of a Leader That People Want to Do Their Best For

You can’t make people give you discretionary effort There are 4 key characteristics of a leader that people want to do their best for… I was meeting a business contact for a coffee recently and we started talking about getting the best out of people. My contact works in an industry that can be quite […]

Development Leadership Management New Job

Are Your People Critical Flight Risks?

Are your people critical flight risks? I was speaking with a connection of mine recently, who has just resigned from a long-term employment relationship. He was happy at work, enjoyed his job, and hadn’t thought about going elsewhere, but he was headhunted. He was a critical flight risk. I asked why he chose to leave. […]

Change Community Development Extrinsic Vs. Intrinsic Motivation Leadership Mindfulness Motivation Positivity Resilience

Are you having a midlife leadership crisis?

As many countries are heading out of lockdown and we’re let ‘out’ into the world again, many leaders hoped to be breathing a sigh of relief. Surely things were going to be easier, better and everyone would feel great? That after a summer holiday, they’d be refreshed and raring to go again. The reality is […]

Autonomy Decision Making Leadership Management Motivation

What To Do When Your Team Won’t Make Decisions

What to do when your team won’t make decisions. This was an excellent question asked recently by a coaching client. She said “Ros, my team leaders won’t make decisions. They come to me all the time so I can tell them what to do. How do I encourage them to come to me with solutions […]

Leadership Mindfulness Motivation Positivity Productivity Resilience Wellness

What to Do When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed at Work

Are you overwhelmed at work? Do you feel overworked and overwhelmed? Maybe your inbox is overflowing, and you wake up at night wondering what to do first when you arrive at the office in the morning. Take control of your workload before you become burned out. Start with this checklist for helpful things you can […]

Employee Engagement Leadership Productivity Teamwork Workplace

Is Your Leadership Style Holding Your Team Back?

The debate over which leadership style breeds winning teams is as heated as ever. Some executives and managers argue for an autocratic approach, while others value empathy above all else. Some prefer to participate in a democratic team, and others set themselves apart as coaches or mentors. Wherever you stand in the discussion, it’s essential […]