Career Planning Sustainability

How To Use End-of-Career Planning For Personal & Professional Growth

We often focus on the next big promotion, the upcoming project, or the skills we need to acquire. However, there’s an often-overlooked aspect of career planning that can have profound effects on both personal and professional growth: end-of-career planning. This process, which includes considerations like retirement planning, legacy building, and yes, even will writing, can […]

Resilience Risk Management Sustainability

Profitable Resilience: Embracing Climate Change Adaptation in Business

Businesses all across the world are at a turning point due to climate change. There has never been a greater pressing need to adapt and develop resilience. But what if this change might both protect your company and increase its profitability? This article examines the idea of profitable resilience in business, which is an approach […]

Change Leadership Workplace

Leading people through change

Leading people through change. Did you know that a staggering two-thirds of organisational change fails to reach its stated objectives? Find out why, and what leaders can do. (14 mins watch time or read the edited transcript below). Hi everyone, I’m Ros Cardinal, Managing Director of Shaping Change and creator of the Women’s Leader Archetypes. […]

Change Community Development Extrinsic Vs. Intrinsic Motivation Leadership Mindfulness Motivation Positivity Resilience

Are you having a midlife leadership crisis?

As many countries are heading out of lockdown and we’re let ‘out’ into the world again, many leaders hoped to be breathing a sigh of relief. Surely things were going to be easier, better and everyone would feel great? That after a summer holiday, they’d be refreshed and raring to go again. The reality is […]

Change Communication Employee Engagement Leadership Motivation Organisational Culture Resilience

4 Ways to Help Employees through Change

Change is the six-letter word that makes most of us cringe. Ask anyone how they feel about change, and most people will tell you it’s not their favorite thing to experience in life. That’s because change can be incredibly difficult and more than a little stressful—especially when change occurs in the workplace. Here are 4 […]

Change Coaching Emotional Intelligence Leadership Mindfulness Motivation Personality reflection

Tips for getting the best from your leadership coaching

If you are a leader, a business person or just want to learn to be more effective at work, executive coaching is one of the best investments you will ever make in yourself. A good coach helps you gain clarity and provides a safe yet challenging environment for you to practice self awareness and to […]

Brain Science Emotional Intelligence Employee Engagement Leadership Motivation Organisational Culture Teamwork

Praise – the cost-free incentive

What is the best way for a manager to motivate employees? The traditional answer would be to give them a cash bonus, but studies have shown that cash bonuses are becoming less effective. The practice has become so common that most employees now expect it – it’s just a part of their salary expectation. That […]

Employee Engagement Leadership Motivation Organisational Culture Teamwork Values and Behaviours

When culture is a killer

I was recently reading the reports of the inquest into the death of a Merrill Lynch intern who suffered an epileptic fit after working for 72 hours straight. The inquest returned a verdict of death from natural causes that “may have been triggered by fatigue” and has sparked debate about intern working conditions in highly […]

Change Emotional Intelligence Leadership Teamwork

Building your resilience

Whether you are gearing up for a business transformation in 2013, spending the holiday season with demanding relatives, or even getting ready for the apocalypse at the end of the Mayan calendar on December 21 (*smile*) here are some tips for building your resilience. Firstly, resilience is the ability to bounce back or recover well […]

Emotional Intelligence Mastery

Putting emotions to work

Earlier this year, I attended an Emotional Intelligence program run by Dr Susan David from Harvard. It was a fantastic opportunity to consolidate all my previous learning on the subject, and gave me many new ideas. Emotional Intelligence is a bit of a buzz word, and is often seen as yet “another management fad”. However, […]