Meetings Productivity Workplace

The SPORT Method for Nailing Your Meetings

Tired of pointless meetings? Us too! The fact is, meetings can be incredibly powerful tools for making decisions, solving problems, and bringing teams closer. But let’s be honest, they can also feel like the ultimate time-wasters. Thankfully, there’s a neat model called the SPORT method to help us get our meetings back on track. Let’s […]

Book Reviews Impostor Syndrome Mastery Psychology

Becoming Flawesome: Embrace Your Imperfections and Live Your Truth

Title: Becoming Flawesome: Embrace Your Imperfections and Live Your Truth Author: Kristina Mand-Lakhiani Publisher: Hay House Publishing Publication Date: July 2023 “Becoming Flawesome,” a deeply insightful work by Kristina Mand-Lakhiani, is a testament to authenticity and self-love, urging readers to let go of societal pressures and embrace their flaws. Hailed as “10 years’ worth of […]

Communication Leadership Motivation

The Power of Storytelling in Leadership

Introduction Once upon a time in the corporate kingdom, there were leaders and then there were storytellers. The difference? Well, it’s a bit like the difference between a mere conversation and an unforgettable anecdote. Today, we are peeling back the layers of this oft-underestimated skill – the power of storytelling in leadership. Let’s dive deep […]

IT Technology Workplace

Five invaluable tools to better your workforce

With uncertainty running riot around the workforce, employees have been left feeling under-compensated and underappreciated. Looming recessions, wage cuts, and industry actions have led to ever-decreasing workplace morale, something managers are actively looking to combat. The below tools provide the perfect methods to do so, bringing back elements of excitement, drive, and anticipation that have […]

Leadership Teamwork

Trailblazers of Tomorrow: Inspiring Leadership in Engineering

Leadership in engineering is an integral part of advancing technological innovation and progress. Engineers are responsible for creative problem-solving, designing systems and structures, developing efficient solutions to complex problems, and transforming the world. As such, they play a central role in society’s future success. The need for outstanding leaders in engineering is urgent; as technology […]

Book Reviews Leadership

First Leaders: Leadership Principles of First Nations Societies for the Modern Leader

Join Ros Cardinal and the author of First Leaders, Andrew O’Keeffe, as they discuss leadership lessons from the First Nations. Andrew O’Keeffe’s interest in the human-side of workplaces goes back a long way. As a youngster growing up in the outback mining town of Broken Hill, Andrew was intrigued by the city’s rich industrial relations […]

Leadership Organisational Culture Outback Leadership Styles

G’day, Leaders! Australian Bush Animals and Their Outback Leadership Styles

When it comes to leadership, the Australian bush is a treasure trove of inspiration. Our unique and colourful bush animals each possess distinctive qualities, which can offer valuable insights into various leadership styles. So, let’s take a lighthearted journey through the Aussie bush and explore the leadership lessons we can learn from our furry and […]

Conflict Management Influencing Relationship Building Teamwork

Five Toxic Workplace Personalities and How to Defuse Their Powers

Introduction Picture this: you’re sipping your morning coffee at work when suddenly, the office gossip materialises at your side, armed with juicy rumours about your colleagues. Sound familiar? Toxic workplace personalities have the power to transform an otherwise pleasant working environment into a scene from a supervillain movie. This blog will unmask five common toxic […]

Diversity Leadership Productivity Sustainability

Why Women in Leadership Matter: The Key to Unlocking Success in Business and Society

Are you aware that gender diversity in leadership roles can contribute to innovative problem-solving, improved financial performance, and increased employee satisfaction? Despite the overwhelming evidence supporting the benefits of having more women in leadership positions, many industries and organisations still lag behind in achieving gender diversity at the highest levels. So why do we need […]

Difficult Conversations Resilience Stress Wellness

Stop People Pleasing: The Power of Setting Boundaries in Your Professional Life

People pleasing, also known as Super Helper Syndrome, is a term that is used to describe a person who goes above and beyond to help others, often at their own expense. This type of person may be a caregiver, a workmate, a friend, or a family member, and they may feel an intense desire to […]