Brain Science Emotional Intelligence Motivation Positivity Productivity Psychology Research

Brain Hacks for More Happiness

Brain Hacks for More Happiness. Happiness is a habit, it’s like an inside job, so to speak. We can maximise our opportunity to be happy by understanding what happens in our brains, what brings us a chemical high of being happy. The limbic system is the part of the brain that controls our motivation, behaviour, […]

Employee Engagement Relationship Building Teamwork Wellness

13 Virtual Team Building Ideas for SMEs

Many virtual team building exercises are meant to encourage your team to collaborate on finding a shared solution to a problem. A successful activity will provide workers with the opportunity to get to know one another while also allowing them to leverage their abilities to engage in a game or event. Excellent virtual team-building activities […]

Communication Decision Making Employee Engagement Leadership Motivation Organisational Culture Productivity

10 Critical Drivers of Performance at Work

10 Critical Drivers of Performance at Work – a case study. What drives high performance at work? Watch the video, or read on: I facilitated a session with a client to capture learnings from a significant crisis. To cut a long story short, we had some devastating bush fires here in Tasmania and my client […]

Employee Engagement Leadership Motivation Potential Productivity

4 Key Characteristics of a Leader That People Want to Do Their Best For

You can’t make people give you discretionary effort There are 4 key characteristics of a leader that people want to do their best for… I was meeting a business contact for a coffee recently and we started talking about getting the best out of people. My contact works in an industry that can be quite […]

Change Community Development Extrinsic Vs. Intrinsic Motivation Leadership Mindfulness Motivation Positivity Resilience

Are you having a midlife leadership crisis?

As many countries are heading out of lockdown and we’re let ‘out’ into the world again, many leaders hoped to be breathing a sigh of relief. Surely things were going to be easier, better and everyone would feel great? That after a summer holiday, they’d be refreshed and raring to go again. The reality is […]

Employee Engagement Management Motivation Organisational Culture Recognition at Work

Are You Tired of Working Without Recognition?

Are you tired of working without recognition? Employees want it, managers know it’s important, and it usually doesn’t cost anything. When you look at it that way, you’d expect to be drowning in recognition at work. Watch the video (4 mins 55s) or read on for tips to get more recognition at work. A recent […]

Autonomy Decision Making Leadership Management Motivation

What To Do When Your Team Won’t Make Decisions

What to do when your team won’t make decisions. This was an excellent question asked recently by a coaching client. She said “Ros, my team leaders won’t make decisions. They come to me all the time so I can tell them what to do. How do I encourage them to come to me with solutions […]

Employee Engagement Leadership Management Motivation Productivity Teamwork

Leading the way – How to show your staff you’re a Leader not just a Manager

There’s a lot of talk in the business world about being a leader, as opposed to a manager. And is that any wonder when you consider how people generally talk about managers? We’ve all heard friends or colleagues complain about the monster manager who passes off their work, or the manager who never listens to […]

Change Coaching Development Leadership New Job

Making a Smooth Transition into Your New Job

Watch the video, or read below: Congratulations on your new job! After a solid process, several interviews, meeting the CEO, and waiting for what seemed an age for the call, you have been offered and accepted a new role. It’s a great opportunity; a promotion, more responsibility, and a great fit for your skillset. The […]

Adaptive Teams Coaching Communication Employee Engagement Leadership Management Motivation Relationship Building Teamwork

5 Critical Keys to Becoming a Trusted Leader

Becoming a Trusted Leader: “We can build our leadership upon fear, obligation, or trust. However, only a foundation of trust results in the collaboration and goodwill necessary to achieve our peak performance.” – Roger Allen Watch the video or read on for the transcript. These words are certainly true. Trust in leaders plays a central […]